Psychosexual Report
What is a Psychosexual Evaluation?
A psychosexual evaluation is used when a person is facing charges for sexual misconduct issues. A psychosexual evaluation consists of an assessment of the defendant’s sexual and social history. It also consists of examinations that use scientific methods to evaluate a person’s psychological and sexual functioning. The examinations evaluates the risk of reoffending at a later time. Examples of actuary tools that may be utilized for psychosexual reports include Static-99, LSI-R, SCL-90R, CPORT, Stable-2007, and Acute-2007.
A well-crafted psychosexual report will use select actuary tools that are best suited to the defendant and the offense.
Most importantly, the assessment and examinations are used to help the defendant come up with the right plan for treatment which also reduces any potential risk to the public.
Psychosexual reports have become a highly sought-after by attorneys due to their versatility. Psychosexual evaluations aid during plea negotiations, help determine trial strategies, and can be a significant mitigating factor during sentencing.
Ms. Andreas is a certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider (CSOTP) and upon screening, accepts clients on an individual basis.